

This command is in experimental state, don’t use this in production!


To import a OpenStreetMap history file (osh), use:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python import_osh --clear_rel_db --clear_mapnik_db --rel2pgsql --cache 100000 --planet /osm-files/osh-file.osh.pbf

This command will import an osh file to the relation tables and after that, it will convert the relation tables to mapnik tables. It is possible to split this into two command.

To import an osh file into relation tables.:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python import_osh --planet /osm-files/osh-file.osh.pbf


Multipolygons are not integrated!

To convert relation tables to mapnik tables.:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python import_osh --rel2pgsql

Optional parameters


Clear relation data


Clear mapnik (osm2pgsql) data & tile cache

–cache [CACHE]

Amount of object which will be handle at once!


Cache osmium extraction into a file instead of memory

–planet [PLANET]

Path to the planet file.

Get osh file

To download a history file for a region like germany, use

To import a complete planet go to and choose a mirror, which support history files.

The osh file should be downloaded into ../osm-files/, in the docker environment the folder ../osm-files/ will be mounted on /osm-files/. So to import the file ../osm-files/germany.osh use:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python import_osh --planet /osm-files/germany.osh

Because the importer is based on osmium, the file can be compressed with bz2 and pbf.